Short Fiction

The Sad Stillness of a Caterpillar Slowly Crawling Over Sand

The Sad Stillness of a Caterpillar Slowly Crawling Over Sand is a small, simple tale of what it is to love, to not love, and to not notice the difference between the two until it's too late.


Contents offers a glimpse into both the garage and life of Margaret Fulmouth, with each reflecting the other when she realises that both domains hold secrets that she'd like to still keep hidden but also scream out loud to all.

Home Day

Home Day is an urban take on Australia's brutal colonisation and why it SHOULD NOT be celebrated, told from the perspective of one neighbour’s letter of grievance to another.

Father Knows Best

Father Knows Best examines Tony Abbott's actions as Prime Minister, but cast as that of a father. Written in 2015, the idea stemmed from a comment from Tony Abbott that excused unethical conduct in any role as similar to that of "a bad father or a bad husband". Not just a throw-away line, the comment reflected a deeper problem with Tony Abbott and, indeed, the LNP, that’s present to this day.